The Challenges of Teacher Education Reform in Mongolia
Geoff Hayward (University of Cambridge)
Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit
The Challenges of Teacher Education Reform in Mongolia
Geoff Hayward (University of Cambridge)
National University of Mongolia & MIASU visiting scholar
Mongolian national wrestling: doping to win
Immunity as custom, immunity as law: tarkhan and the evolution of land grants in post-Mongol Eurasia
Angus Russell (University of Cambridge)
Who owns “Siberian shamanism”?
Piers Vitebsky (Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge)
Dorjraa Purvei
MIASU, University of Cambridge
Past, Present and Fate of the Clear Script (Tod Üsüg)
Peripheral Cosmopolitans: Kazakh-Mongol Relations in Bayan-Ölgii, Mongolia
Joe Ellis (MIASU, University of Cambridge)
The fate of transboundary river ecosystems in times of conflict and cooperation
Sigrid Rausing MIASU Doctoral Student in the Social Anthropology of Inner Asia
‘Mongolian time or German time?’: Rethinking the ‘nomadic’ through an art residency