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Project Outputs

The primary output of the project consists of two books: a monograph on the tradition of Samding Dorje Phagmo and the reincarnations of Tibetan women lamas (Diemberger 2007) and a volume comprising the Tibetan text and the annotated translation of the biography of Chokyi Dron-ma (Diemberger and Pasang wangdu, forthcoming). In addition, some texts of this tradition that are not yet available in the UK are being reproduced photographically and digitally. This complements the work carried out by the Research Enhancement Scheme project “Tibetan-Mongolian Rare Books and Manuscripts” funded by the AHRC. Some important texts available in the UK will be made available in digital form in Tibet (to the Samding monastery and to local academic institutions). Finally specific aspects of the research have been presented at conferences and are being published in academic articles

Published and forthcoming works

Hildegard Diemberger 2007 When a woman becomes a religious dynasty: The Samding Dorje Phagmo of Tibet . New York: Columbia University Press