Diemberger, H. – Clemente, M. (2013), “Royal Kinship, Patronage and the Introduction of Printing in Gung thang: From Chos kyi sgron ma to lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal.” In Nepalica-Tibetica: Festgabe für Christoph Cüppers (2 vols), edited by F.-K. Ehrhard and P. Maurer, Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung, 28 & 29, Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH, pp. 119-42. | |
Diemberger, H. – Clemente, M. (2014) “Review of Bod kyi shing spar lag rtsal gyi byung rim mdor bsdus by Paltsek Research Institute.” Inner Asia 16 (1), pp. 222-23. |
Elliott, M. – Diemberger, H. – Clemente, M. (2014)
Buddha’s Word: The Life of Books in Tibet and Beyond |
Clemente, M. (2015) “The Literary Work of lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal” In From Bhakti to Bon. Festschrift for Per Kvaerne, edited by H. Havnevik and C. Ramble, Oslo: Novus Forlag, pp. 185-200 |
Clemente, M. (2016) “The Unacknowledged Revolution? A Reading of Tibetan Printing History on the Basis of Gung thang Colophons Studied in Two Dedicated Projects”. In Tibetan Printing: Comparisons, Continuities, and Change, edited by H. Diemberger, F.-K. Ehrhard and P. Kornicki, Leiden: Brill, pp. 394-423.
Clemente, M. (2016), “Different Facets of Mang yul Gung thang Xylographs”. In Tibetan Manuscript and XylographTraditions. The Written Work and Its Media within the Tibetan Cultural Sphere, edited by O. Almogi, Indian and Tibetan Studies 4, Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, University of Hamburg, pp. 67–103.
Clemente, M. (2016), “The Patronage Network of lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal: From Brag dkar rta so to the ‘Phags pa lha khang”. In E. De Rossi Filibeck, M. Clemente, G. Milanetti, O. Nalesini and F. Venturi (eds.), Studies in Honour of Luciano Petech: A Commemoration Volume 1914-2014. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 89/1, Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore, pp. 103-109.
Clemente, M. (2017), “On a Particular Aspect of the Identification of Tibetan Xylographs: The Importance of Craftsmen.” In D. Cuneo, E. Freschi and C. A. Formigatti eds.), Not Far Afield: Asian Perspectives on Sexuality, Testimony and Print Culture. A Coffee Break Project. Kervan-International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies 21, 373-95.
In Press
- Clemente, M., “A Condensed Catalogue of 16th Century Tibetan Xylographs from South-Western Tibet.” In Perspectives on Tibetan Culture. A Small Garland of Forget-me-nots offered to Elena De Rossi Filbeck, edited by M. Clemente, O. Nalesini and F. Venturi, Kathmandu: Vajra Publications.
- Clemente, M., “The Xylographic Print”. In Tibetan Manuscripts and Early Prints: Towards a Manual of Tibetan Manuscript Studies, edited by M. Kapstein, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Clemente, M., “Mapping Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Buddhist Printed Works in South-Western Tibet. A Historical and Literary Reading”. In Prooceedings of the Workshop “Dialettiche della Metafisica Buddhista in Asia Orientale. Tibet e Giappone: un Confronto Inedito”, edited by D. Rossi. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 90/1, Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore.
- Clemente, M., “Appearances Can Be Deceptive: The Case of NGMPP AT 61/21.” In One Day of a Month of the Fire Bird Year. Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on Occasion of His 65th Birthday, ed. by J. Bischoff, P. Maurer and C. Ramble, Bonn, 95-112
- Clemente, M. & Lunardo, F., “Typology of Drawn Frames in Sixteenth Century Mang yul Gung thang Xylographs.” In Manuscript Culture: Textuality and Materiality. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Sanskrit Manuscript Project Held in Cambridge, edited by V. Vergiani, C. Formigatti and D. Cuneo, Berlin: De Gruyter (Studies in Manuscript Cultures), 287-318.
- Clemente, M., Traditional Paths, Innovative Approaches and Digital Challenges in the Study of Tibetan Manuscripts and Xylographs, Berlin: De Gruyter (Studies in Manuscript Cultures).
- .Clemente, M. (forthcoming), “Stylistic Changes in Mang yul Gung thang Xylographs between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Preliminary Remarks”. In Atti del Convegno Fondativo dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Tibetani, Himalayani e Mongoli (AISTHiM), Procida 2017, edited by G. Orofino, Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.