Presentation of the project
- 1st Workshop of the Sanskrit Manuscripts Project: 12 April 2013 (University of Cambridge, FAMES)
- Manuscripts and Xylographs Conference: 15 May 2013 (Hamburg University)
- 13th IATS: July 2013 (Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia)
- Conference: “The Study of Asia: between Antiquity and Modernity”: 5 September 2013 (University of Turin, Italy)
- Festival of Ideas: 27 October 2013: (University of Cambridge, McDonald Research Institute)
- Conference: “Printing as an Agent of Change in Tibet and Beyond”: 28 November 2013 (University of Cambridge, Pembroke College)
- Symposium in memory of Professor Luciano Petech: 7 June 2014 (Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale “G. Tucci”, Rome, Italy)
Lectures presenting results of the project
- 27 November 2015: “The Xylographic Print: Issues Related to the Study of Woodcut Illustrations”, Workshop of the Project Towards a Manual of Tibetan Manuscript Studies and Early Prints (25-28 November), University of Chicago Paris Centre, Paris
- 13 May 2016: “Una mappatura delle opere Buddhiste più stampate nel Tibet Sud-Occidentale nei secoli XV e XVI. Una lettura storico-letteraria” (Mapping Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Buddhist Printed Works in South-Western Tibet: A Historical and Literary Reading), Workshop of the Project Dialettiche della Metafisica Buddhista in Asia Orientale. Tibet e Giappone: un Confronto Inedito (“Sapienza” University of Rome, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia)
- 22 June 2016: “A Glance at Early Tibetan Xylographs”, 14th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Roundtable 50: Towards a Manual of Tibetan Manuscript Studies (University of Bergen, Norway)