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* = text has been reviewed and accepted and is either published, published ahead of print, or formally in press.

+ = a complete text has been written but still requires revision following review.


* Irvine, R (2014) The Happisburgh footprints in time: environmental change and human adaptation on the East Anglian coast, Anthropology Today 30 (2), 3-6.

Experiences of long term environmental variation and contemporary ‘lock-in’ on the Norfolk coast, against the backdrop of erosion as a force of destruction and revelation. 

* Irvine, R (2015) East Anglian fenland: water, the work of imagination, and the creation of value, in Waterworlds: Anthropology in Fluid Environments, ed. Kirsten Hastrup and Frida Hastrup, 23-45. Oxford: Berghahn.

Traces the flow of water, its exclusion, and re-emergence in the history of the East Anglian fens arguing that central dilemmas about the perceived morality and immorality of drainage persist as a key source of tension in the region.               

* Irvine, R, E Lee, M Strubel, B Bodenhorn (2016) Exclusion and reappropriation: experiences of contemporary enclosure among children in three East Anglian schools, Environment and Planning D 34(5):935-954

Offers an account of children’s sense of place in the chalky landscape of South Cambridgeshire. Challenging assumptions that children are disconnected from nature, we argue that through play and imaginative exploration of their environments, children find ways to rebuild relationships with places from which they find themselves excluded.

* Lee, E, R Irvine, B Bodenhorn, D Amarbayasgalan (2016) Changing climates, different cultures: school curricula and children’s perceptions, Environmental Education Vol 112 (Summer): 23-25.

Summarises project findings about children’s understanding of, and attitudes towards, climate change as revealed in walks in the UK, Mongolia, Alaska, and Mexico. 

* Lee, E (ed.) (forthcoming) Special issue Environmental Education Journal Vol 114 (March 2017)

* Irvine, R (forthcoming) Anthropocene East Anglia (for inclusion in Anthropology of Britain special issue of Sociological Review)

Explores the way in which human geological agency has transformed the East Anglian landscape, arguing that while the scale of such changes can only be understood against the backdrop of geological time, social life in the region nevertheless demonstrates ‘temporal lock-in’, defined in the article as an increasing fixation with the landscape of a single point in history.

+ Bodenhorn, B, O Ulturgasheva (under review) Envisioning Arctic Futures: digital and otherwise. In Csoba De Hass, MK, ed. Digital Futures. Under review with University of Alaska Press

Compares digital walking as experienced by young users of the Never Alone computer game with real walks taken by Alaskan students as part of an exploration of effective means of engaging young people with their own futures.

+ Irvine, R (under review) In the Depths and the Shallows: Anthropology and Deep Time (under review with Hau Press Malinowski Monographs series)

Book exploring two sides of the human relationship with time: encounter, and evasion; instances in which we come face to face with earth’s history and with evidence of long-term environmental variation, but also the abstraction of human life from the ecological and geological temporalities within which that life occurs. Illustrated via Pathways project research in the UK and Mongolia.

+ Irvine, R, E Lee (under review) Over and under: children navigating terrain in the East Anglian fenlands (for inclusion in safe spaces themed special issue of Children’s Geographies)

Examines children’s relationship with place as revealed in their movement across the fens, and the different ways in which time figures in their interactions with the environment.

+ Irvine, R, E Lee, J Woolley, L Misseldene (under review) Moving and dwelling: learning to sense home in the Norfolk Broads (submitted to Sociologia Ruralis)

Explores how children seek to find and make a home for themselves in a disrupted and partially known landscape, drawing on walks through the local environment in Norfolk, and an analysis of the children’s own creative work.

+ Irvine, R, B Bodenhorn, E Lee, D Amarbayasgalan (under review) Learning to see climate change: children’s perceptions of environmental transformation in Mongolia, Mexico, Arctic Alaska, and the UK (submitted to Current Anthropology)

Under what conditions do people make connections between an abstract concept such as climate change and concrete experiences in their own life? Through an ethnographic comparison of walks with children across the different Pathways Project sites, three dimensions are explored: the impact of change on livelihoods, and the proximity of children’s experience to those livelihoods; the political salience of the narrative of climate change; and the temporal depth invoked by the environment.    

+ Woolley, J (under review) Hounded out of time: Black Shuck’s Lesson in the Anthropocene (text complete as per Edinburgh Deep Time workshop; to be submitted to Environmental Humanities)

Asks what the baleful presence of Black Shuck, East Anglia’s spectral dog, reveals about life and death in a time of unprecedented human power over the natural world. 

Woolley, J, R Irvine (in prep) An uncommon tragedy: cultures and ecologies of enclosure (working title) (to be submitted to the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute)

Woolley, J. (2016) Fieldwork in Lyonesse: Nightmarish Futures and Salvage Ethnography before the Anthropocene Floods, Kings Review: Encounters

+ Lee, E., R. Irvine, B. Bodenhorn (under review) Neither Stewards nor Saviours of the Earth but Participles of the Planet: virtual intercultural interchange as a pathway to eliciting interconnectivity. (Submitted to Environmental Education Research)

This paper explores the data that connecting children across space and cultures generates; reflecting on the meaning of these activities for the way that children experience changing climates and the way that humans understand the global processes involved.

Lee, E, R Irvine, B. Bodenhorn (in prep) Linking locally based environmental learning to powerful knowledge via trans-local communication (working title) (to be submitted to The Curriculum Journal)

Lee, E, R Irvine, B Bodenhorn (in prep) What is special about place for the contemporary child? (working title) (to be submitted to the Environmental Education Research journal)

Whitley, D, E Lee, T Moorhouse (in prep) Rattie Gets Real: How Ecology Re-routes the Imaginary of Children's Animal Stories (working title) (journal to be identified)

Irvine, R, D Amarbayasgalan (in prep) Threats to the countryside, threats to the nation: children’s sense of the changing environment in two rural Mongolian contexts (working title) (journal to be identified)