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Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit



Billé, Franck and Caroline Humphrey. 2021. On the Edge: Life Along the Russia-China Border. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

Billé, Franck. 2020. Voluminous States: Sovereignty, Materiality, and the Territorial Imagination. Durham, NC: Duke University Press

Humphrey, Caroline. 2018. Trust and Mistrust in the Economies of the China-Russia Borderlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press

Billé, Franck and Sören Urbansky. 2018. Yellow Perils: China Narratives in the Contemporary World. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press

Billé, Franck. 2015. Sinophobia: Anxiety, Violence, and the Making of Mongolian Identity. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press

Billé, Franck, Caroline Humphrey and Grégory Delaplace. 2012. Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2017. The Displacement of Borders among Russian Koreans in Northeast Asia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Pulford, E. 2019. Mirrorlands: Russia, China and Journeys in Between (London: Hurst & Co.).

Sablin, Ivan. 2018. The Rise and Fall of Russia's Far Eastern Republic, 1905–1922: Nationalisms, Imperialisms, and Regionalisms in and after the Russian Empire. London: Routledge,

Sablin, Ivan. 2020.  Dal'nevostochnaia respublika: ot idei do likvidatsii [The Far Eastern Republic: From Idea to Liquidation]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, (Russian translation of The Rise and Fall of Russia's Far Eastern Republic, 1905–1922).

Sören Urbansky and C.H. Beck. 2021.  An den Ufern des Amur: Die vergessene Welt zwischen China und Russland [On the River Amur: The Forgotten Land between China and Russia] 

Sören Urbansky. 2020.  Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian Border (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute), Princeton: Princeton University Press; Russian translation forthcoming with Historia Rossica, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie

Journal special issues

2019. "Volumetric Sovereignty." Society & Space, edited by Franck Billé

2018. "Speaking Volumes." Theorizing the Contemporary, Cultural Anthropology website, October 24., edited by Franck Billé

2016. "Cartographic Anxieties." Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, Vol. 21., edited by Franck Billé

2014. Inner Asia, Vol. 16:2, edited by Sayana Namsaraeva & Caroline Humphrey


Articles and book chapters

Billé, Franck. 2019. "Doughnut," Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, Cultural Anthropology website, September 30.

Billé, Franck. 2018. "Skinworlds: Borders, Haptics, Topologies." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (1): 60-77

Billé, Franck. 2018. "Sinophobic Tales: Imaginations of China from the Northern Borders," in Yellow Perils: China Narratives in the Contemporary World, eds. Franck Billé and Sören Urbansky. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press

Billé, Franck. 2016. "Cartographic Embrace: A View from China's Northern Rim," in Cartographic Anxieties, Cross-Currents, Vol. 21, pp. 88-110

Billé, Franck. 2016. "Futurs non linéaires: Modernité et imaginaires géopolitiques à la frontière sino-russe". Études mongoles et sibériennes, Vol. 46,

Billé, Franck. 2016. 模仿性竞争:以中俄边境城市的建筑演化为例 [Mimetic Rivalry: On the Evolution of Sino-Russian Border Architecture,] 俄 罗 斯 研 究 [Russian Studies], Vol. 3 (June), pp. 122-138

Billé, Franck. 2016. "Phantom Pains in Manchuria: Dreams, Loss, and Projection," in Northeast Asian Borders: History, Politics and Local Societies, edited by Olga Shaglanova and Yuki Konagaya. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, pp. 63-79

Billé, Franck. 2014. “Territorial Phantom Pains (and Other Cartographic Anxieties)”. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32 (1): 163-178.

Billé, Franck. 2014. “Surface Modernities: Open-Air Markets, Containment and Verticality in Two Border Towns of Russia and China”, Экономическая социология No. 15:2 (March), pp. 154-172. Published simultaneously in Russian as “ Современность в пространственном измерений: открытие рынки, герметичность и вертикальность в двух приграничных городах России и Китая” pp. 76-95.

Billé, Franck. 2014. “Nationalism, Sexuality and Dissidence in Mongolia”. Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia, ed. Mark McLelland and Vera Mackie. London: Routledge, pp.162-173.

Billé, Franck. 2014. “Batu Khan” in Dictionary of Chinese Biography, ed. Kerry Brown, pp.748-760. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.

Billé, Franck. 2013. “Indirect Interpellations: Hate Speech and ‘Bad Subjects’ in Mongolia”. Asian Anthropology, 12:1, pp.3-19.

Billé, Franck. 2012. “Представления о границе в Китае и России: Попытка концептуализации проблемы.” Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, Vol. XV: 3(62): 155-172.

Billé, Franck. 2012. “Concepts of the Border in the Russian and Chinese Social Imaginaries” in Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border, eds. F. Billé, C. Humphrey & G. Delaplace. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, pp. 19-32

Humphrey, Caroline (with Hürelbaatar Ujeed). 2013. A Monastery in Time: The Making of Mongolian Buddhism. Chicago University Press

Humphrey, Caroline. 2012. Post-Cosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence, edited by Caroline Humphrey and Vera Skvirskaja. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books

Lacaze, Gaëlle. 2015. “Le maigre féminin et le gras viril chez les Mongols”, Alimentation, arme du genre. Journal des Anthropologues n°140-141 , pp.173-191.

Lacaze, Gaëlle. 2014. “ Mobilités et cheminements à la frontière sino-mongole ”, in C. Boissard et al., (éds.), Cultures du déplacement. Aménagement et territoires n°2 , Aix-Marseille, PUM : pp.173-187

Lacaze, Gaëlle. 2012. “ Prostitution and the Transformation of the 111 Chinese Trading Town of Ereen ”, in Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border , eds. Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace and Caroline Humphrey. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers

Namsaraeva, Sayana. Forthcoming. “Botox there is superb!” Chinese Manzhouli as the ‘City-as-Refuge’ for Russian female border traders. Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. Forthcoming. ‘Questioned Loyalty on the Russia-China-Mongolia border: Life story of Urjin Garmaev, a Russian officer of Buriad-Mongol origin, who became a General of Japanese Imperial Army’ In B. Burensain & U. Bulag (Eds.) Seventy Chapters for Understanding Inner Mongolia. Tokio: Akashi Shoten Publishing Co (in Japanese).

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2015. “Questioned Loyalty at the Russia-China-Mongolia border: Life story of Urjin Garmaev, a Russian officer of Buriad-Mongol origin, who became a General of Japanese Imperial Army" In: Burensain Borjigin & Bulag Uradiin (Eds.) Seventy Chapters for Understanding Inner Mongolia. Tokio: Akashi Shoten Publishing Co. Pp. 221-226. (In Japanese).

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2015. “Buriad migrations and separations in the twentieth century” In: Burensain Borjigin & Bulag Uradiin (Eds.) Seventy Chapters for Understanding Inner Mongolia. Tokio: Akashi Shoten Publishing Co. Pp. 338-343. (In Japanese).

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2014. Zabaikal’sk and Kyachta: historical and present day trade hubs between China and Russia In: Namsaraeva Sayana & Boris Bazarov, Tsymzhit Vanchikova (eds.) Prigranichnii urbanism: imperskaya i postimperskaya praktiki [Frontier Urbanism in Russia: Imperial and Post imperial practices] Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University. Pp. 110-125. (in Russian)

Namsaraeva, Sayana & Boris Bazarov, Tsymzhit Vanchikova (eds.) Editorial Introduction. Prigranichnii urbanism: imperskaya i postimperskaya praktiki [Frontier Urbanism in Russia: Imperial and Post imperial practices]. Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University. Pp. 4-11. (in Russian)

Namsaraeva, Sayana.2014. Border Language: Chinese Pidgin Russian with a Mongolian ‘Accent’ Inner Asia 16 (2014): 116-138.

Namsaraeva, Sayana.2014. Introduction, with Caroline Humphrey. Inner Asia 16 (2014) 1-6.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2014. ‘Military and Trade Diasporas in Kyachta and Maimaicheng’ In Bazarov B. & Vanchikova Ts (Eds.) Imperial Russia’s Trade Zone in Kyachta-Maimaicheng. Ulan-Ude: Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies.

Namsaraeva, Sayana.2013. ‘Migratsii vo Vnutrenne Azii tsinskogo perioda: diaspory kontaktnoi zony Kiachta-Maimacheng [Migrations in Inner Asia: Diasporas of the Contact zone Kiachta-Maimacheng]. Vestnik BGU: Gumanitarnie issledovania Vnutrennei Azii [Buryat State University Bulletin: Humanities of Inner Asia], 1(2013) (in Russian). Pp. 21- 45.

Namsaraeva, Sayana.2012. Dilemmi tsinskoi migratsionnoi politiki v prigranichnom Hulun-Buire na primere uchasti musul’man ‘tarianchi’ [Dilemmas of the Qing migration policy in frontier Hulun-Beier: The Muslim ‘Tarianchi’ and their agricultural Project], Gumanitarnii Vektor: History and Politics, №2 (30) (in Russian). Pp. 155-164.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2012. ‘Saddling up the border: Buriad migration within the Russian-Chinese frontier space’ In: Bellér-Hann I. & Rajkai Z. (Eds.) Frontiers and Boundaries of China. Asiatische Forschungen: Harrassowitz. Pp. 223-245.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2011. ‘Ritual and Memory in the Buriad Diaspora Notion of Home’ In F. Billé, G. Delaplace and C. Humphrey (Eds). Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. Pp. 137-164.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2011. ‘Die Rolle der mongolischen Sprache in interkulturellen Kontakten zwischen Russland und China im Verlauf des 18. Jahrhunderts’ [Mongol Language and its role in intercultural contacts between Russia and China in the 18th century] In Wieland Hintzsche und Joachim Otto Habeck (Eds.) Die Erforschung Sibiriens im 18. Jahrhundert: Beiträge der Deutsch-Russischen Begegnungen in den Franckeschen Stiftungen [Study of Siberia during the 18th century]. Halle: Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen, Germany (in German). Pp. 188-202.

Namsaraeva, Sayana.2010. Review of a collective volume Siberia in Focus, 2009, edited by the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute for Asian Studies. The Central Asian Survey 2(29). Pp. 233-234.

Namsaraeva, Sayana.2010. “The Metaphorical use of avuncular terminology in Buriad diaspora relationship with Homeland and Host Society”. Inner Asia 13 (2010): 201-30.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2009. ‘Life in a divided community: Buriads between Russia, China and Mongolia’ In: S. Namsaraeva & Nima (Eds.) Makese Pulanke shehui renleixue yanjiusuo Siboliya yanjiu huigu [Review on Siberian studies at Max Planck Institute for Social anthropology]. Beijing: Mingzu chubanche (in Chinese). Pp. 120-155.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2008. ‘Politicheskii aspect religioznoi zhizni sovremennoi Buryatii’ [Religion and politics in present day Buryatia] In Natalia Zhukovskaya (ed.) Religia v istorii i kul’ture mongoloyazychnikh narodov Rossii [Religion in History and Culture of the Mongol-speaking peoples of Russia]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (in Russian). Pp. 58-87.

Namsaraeva, Sayana. 2006. ‘Sistema okhrany rossisko-mongol’skoi granitsy v period pravlenia dinastii Tsin’ [Russian-Mongolian border control during the Qing Dynasty] In Alexander Zhelezniakov (ed.) Istoricheskoe razvitie Mongolii i mongolo-rossiiskie otnosheniya [Mongolia and its relations with Russia in historical perspectives]. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS (in Russian). Pp. 104-111.

Hyun-Gwi Park and Skrydstrup, Martin. 2019. "Introduction: Agri-Cultures in the Anthropocene." Nature and Culture 14, no. 3: 229–35.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2019. "The Making of Market Boundaries against Climatic Risk among Watermelon Cultivators in the Russian Far East." Nature and Culture 14, no. 3: 315–27.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2018. "Betrayed by Trust: Inter-Korean Relations across Northeast Asian Borders." In Trust and Mistrust in the Economies of the China-Russia Borderlands, edited by Caroline Humphrey, 101–20. Amsterdam University Press.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2018. "Ecological Space in Forbidden Border Zones: Nature and Security in DMZ and the Russian Far East" In Looking at Korean Partition from the Borders, edited by Wangyu Choi, 309-30. Paju: Ullyullyŏk.  

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2018. "Anti-Chinese Sentiments and Trans-border Cities in northeast China and the Russian Far East: An Ethnographic Study on Ussuriisk, Suifenhe, and Hunchun" Korean Cultural Anthropology 51, no. 2 (2018): 125–67. [in Korean].

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2016. "Introduction to the Special Issue." Asian Perspective 40, no. 3: 363–68.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2016. "One River and Three States: The Tumen River Triangle and the Legacy of the Postsocialist Transition." Asian Perspective 40, no. 3: 369–92.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2015. "A House of Our Own: Diaspora Politics Among Koreans in the Russian Far East." The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 16, no. 5: 431–47.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2013. The ‘multicultural family’ and the politics of selective inclusion in South Korea’, British Association of Korean Studies Paper Vol. 15: 5-19.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2013. ‘Migration regime among Koreans in Primorskii Krai, Russia’, Inner Asia Vol. 15: 77-99.

Park, Hyun-Gwi. 2009. ‘러시아 연해주 고려사람의 근면과 자립: 비닐하우스 농사를 중심으로’ [Hard-work and autonomy of Koreans in the Russian Far East: focusing on greenhouse cultivation]. 한국문화인류학 [Korean Cultural Anthropology] 42(1): 81-110

Pulford, E. 2021. 'Differences over difference: Sino-Russian friendship at interstate and interpersonal scales'. Comparative Studies in Society and History Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 1-37. 

Pulford, E. 2021. 'The limits of Koreanness: Korean encounters in Russo-Chinese Yanbian'. Decoding the Sino-North Korean Borderlands eds. A. Cathcart, C. Green and S. Denney. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, pp. 401-430.

Pulford, E. 2021. 'Material states: China, Russia and the incorporation of a cross-border indigenous people'. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 55 No. 1, pp. 292-333.

Pulford, E 에드 풀포드. 2020. 'The 1938 Battle of Khasan/Zhanggufeng on the Korea-China-Russia border' 1938년 조-중-러 국경의 하산호/장고봉전투. The Memory of the Borders: Searching for the Transnaitonal Lieux de Mémoire 접경의 기억: 초국가적 기억의 장소를 찾아서. Seoul: Somyung Books 소명출판, pp. 32-55. (In Korean, trans. Changhyun Oh 오창현). 

Pulford, E. 2020. 'On frontiers and fronts: bandits, partisans and Manchuria's borders, 1900-1949'. Modern China Vol. 47.

Pulford, E. 2018. 'From Reindeer to MTV: Indigenous Performers and the Russia-China Border'. Eurasia Border Review, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 113-128.

Pulford, E. 2017. 'The Nanai, Hezhe and mobilised loyalties along the Amur'. History and Anthropology, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 531-552. 

Pulford, E. 2016. 'From Earth to Ocean: Hunchun and China's Ambivalent Maritime Past'. Asian Perspective July-September 2016, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 465-492.

Sablin, Ivan. 2017. 'National Autonomies in the Far Eastern Republic: Post-Imperial Diversity Management in Pacific Russia, 1920–1922', History and Anthropology, vol. 28, no. 4 (special issue Loyalty and Disloyalty on the Russia–China Border, ed. by Caroline Humphrey), pp. 445–460,

Shaglanova, Olga. 2015. “The Evenk Shaman’s Tent/i>,” in O. Shaglanova and Shiro Sasaki (eds), The Cultural Heritage of Buryats, Evenks, Semeyskiye: Material and Religious Articles From the Collections of the Ethnographic Museum of Transbaikal Peoples. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, 119-124 pp.

Shaglanova, Olga. 2013. “Mongolian immigrant in modern Japan: motivation and adaptation/i>”. Gumanitarnie issledovaniya Vnutrenei Azii, Vestnik Buryatskogo Universiteta, Ulan-Ude, Vol.1, pp. 76-86 (in Russian).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2012-2013 “Buriat Urban Shamanism as Phenomen/i>”. Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia, Winter Vol.51, No.3, pp.76-88. M.E. Sharpe, Inc.(DOI: 10.2753/AAE1061-1959510305) (in English).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2012. “Mongolian migration to Japan. An ethnographic outline/i>”, Transgranichnaya migratsiya v mongol’slom kul’turnom prostranstve: istoricheskiye i sovremenniye aspekti, Ulan-Ude, Vol. 2. pp. 149-177. (in Russian).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2011. “Chinese labour migrations in the context of a Buryat village/i>”. Inner Asia, Cambridge. Vol. 13, Number 2, pp. 298 – 313 (in English).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2010. “The Dialogue between ‘Us’ and ‘Others’ in the Ethnographic Field,” Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie 1, Moscow, pp. 21–31 (in Russian).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2009. “Urban Shamanism in the Post-Soviet Buryatia: Metaphors of Traditional Religion in the Urban Area,” in Urban and Rural Areas in Post-Soviet Buryatia: Social Anthropological Essays [Gorod I Selo v Postsovetskoi Buryatii: Sotsial’no Antropologicheskie Ocherki], Ulan-Ude: Buryat Scientific Center Press, pp. 142–64 (in Russian).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2008. “Space in the Traditional Culture of Mongolian Peoples,” Moscow: Orient Publishing House, Russian Academy of Science Press, pp. 260–81 (in Russian).

Shaglanova, Olga. 2008. “Local Peculiarities of Shamanism Among Buryats of Tunka Valley,” in Religion in the History and Culture of Mongolian Peoples of Russia [Religiya v Istoriii Culture Mongol’skih Narodov Rossii]. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences press, pp. 88–105 (in Russian).

Urbansky, Sören. 2016. "Ein leerer Raum (nur) soweit das Auge reicht: Die Mandschurei in imperialen Raumvorstellungen [Empty Space (only) as far as the eye can see: Imperial concepts of space about Manchuria]," in: Ulrike Jureit (ed.): Umkämpfte Räume: Raumbilder, Ordnungswille und Gewaltmobilisierung, Göttingen: Wallstein, pp. 217-238

Urbansky, Sören. 2015.  "Adidas statt Stacheldraht: Die Öffnung der sowjetisch-chinesischen Grenze [Adidas instead of barbed wire: The opening of the Soviet-Chinese border]," in: osteuropa, vol. 65, no. 5-6 , pp. 49-65

Urbansky, Sören. 2015. "Grenze im Fluss. China-Russland: Das historische Echo des chinesisch-russischen Territorialdisputs [Fluid border. China-Russia: Echoes from a territorial dispute]," in: osteuropa, vol. 65, no. 5-6 (2015), pp. 125-136

Urbansky, Sören. 2015. “Tokhtogo’s Mission Impossible. Russia, China, and the Quasi-independence of Hulunbeir,” in: Inner Asia, vol. 16, no. 1 (2014), pp. 64-94

Urbansky, Sören. 2014. “Der Kosake als Lehrer oder Exot? Fragen an einen Mandschukuo-Dokumentarfilm über die bäuerliche russische Diaspora am Grenzfluss Argun’ [The Cossack – A teacher or an exotic figure? Selected questions on a Manchukuo documentary about the rural Russian diaspora at the Argun border river],” in: Martin Aust, Julia Obertreis (eds.): Osteuropäische Geschichte und Globalgeschichte, Stuttgart: Steiner 2014, pp. 103-127

Urbansky, Sören. 2014. Russian Translation: “Russkie kazaki v Man’chzhurii,” in: Vostochnaia Kollektsiia, no. 3, pp. 120-133

Urbansky, Sören. 2014. “‘Vasily’ of China and his Russian friends. Smugglers and their transcultural identities,” in: Dan Ben-Canaan, Frank Grüner, Ines Prodöhl (eds.): Entangled histories. The transcultural past of Northeast China, New York: Springer, pp. 15-33

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. Stille Revolutionen. Die Neuformierung der Welt seit 1989 [Silent revolutions. The world since 1989], co-edited with Katharina Kucher and Gregor Thum. Frankfurt: Campus 2013

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. “Unsere Insel.” Sowjetische Identitätsstiftung auf Sachalin nach 1945 [“Our Island.” Soviet identity-building on Sakhalin after 1945]. Berlin: be.bra

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. Chinese Translation: “Zhongguo de Waxili yu ta de Eluosi pengyou. Zousizhe yu tamen de kuawenhua shenfen,” in: Eluosi yanjiu, no. 2, pp. 178-200

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. “Sakhalin – eto ne tol’ko Chekhov. Itogi studencheskoi ekskursii [Sakhalin is more than just Chekhov. Results of a student field trip],” in: Vestnik Sakhalinskogo Muzeia, no. 20, pp. 87-91 [with Igor Zaday]

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. “Einleitung [Introduction],” in: “Unsere Insel.” Sowjetische Identitätsstiftung auf Sachalin nach 1945, Berlin: be.bra, pp. 9-32

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. “Ein Wartburg auf Sachalin [A Wartburg on Sakhalin],” in: Stille Revolutionen. Die Neuformierung der Welt seit 1989, Frankfurt: Campus, pp. 71-79

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. “Die Welt formiert sich neu: Eine Einleitung [Reshaping of the world: An introduction]” in: Stille Revolutionen. Die Neuformierung der Welt seit 1989, Frankfurt: Campus, pp. 13-16 [with Katharina Kucher and Gregor Thum]

Urbansky, Sören. 2013. “Der betrunkene Kosake. Schmuggel im sino-russischen Grenzland (circa 1860-1930) [The drunken Cossack. Smuggling in the Sino-Russian borderland (ca. 1860-1930)],” in: Martin Aust (ed.): Globalisierung imperial und sozialisitisch. Russland und die Sowjetunion in der Globalgeschichte 1851-1991, Frankfurt: Campus, pp. 301-329

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. Borders in imperial times: Daily life and urban spaces in Northeast Asia, special issue of Comparativ, vol. 22, no. 5, with Frank Grüner and Susanne Hohler

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. “Mapping Manchuria Station. Crossing borders into the ‘yellow land’,” in: Comparativ, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 87-105

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. “Borders in imperial times. Daily life and urban spaces in Northeast Asia,” in: Comparativ, vol. 22, no. 5 (2012), pp. 7-13 [with Frank Grüner and Susanne Hohler]

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. “A very orderly friendship: The Sino-Soviet border under the alliance regime, 1950-1960,” in: Eurasia Border Review, vol. 3 (2012), special issue David Wolff (ed.): “China’s post-revolutionary borders, 1940s-1960s,” pp. 35-52

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. “The unfathomable foe. Constructing the enemy in the Sino-Soviet borderlands, ca. 1969-1982,” in: Journal of Modern European History, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 255-278

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. “Ebbe statt Sturmflut. Chinesen in Russlands Fernem Osten [Ebb rather than flood. Chinese in Russia’s Far East],” in: Osteuropa, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 21-40

Urbansky, Sören. 2012. “Gaps in the fence. Negotiating grassroots relations in the Sino-Soviet borderlands (1983-1993),” in: Suchandana Chatterjee, Anita Segupta, Susmita Bhattacharya (eds.): Eurasia twenty years after, Delhi: Shipra, pp. 445-463

Urbansky, Sören. 2008. Kolonialer Wettstreit. Russland, China, Japan und die Ostchinesische Eisenbahn [Colonial Competition: Russia, China, Japan and the Chinese Eastern Railway] (Globalgeschichte, vol. 4). Frankfurt: Campus