- The following document was issued by the Education Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region following protests against education reforms which reduced the amount of instruction in Mongolian that students in Mongolian-medium schools received. The document seeks to explain the new policy in relation to national policies, while also focussing on practical questions of implementation.
Original text available here: http://www.wlgglq.gov.cn/zwgk/zcjd/202008/t20200828_2527349.html
- On September 5 2020, Damdinsuren Uriankhai, a celebrated Mongolian poet and recipient of the Asian Literature Award, wrote the following open letter to the UN in support of the Inner Mongolian protests against education reform. The letter was published on September 11 2020 on the eguur.mn and isee.mn websites.
[Original text available here: https://eguur.mn/135379/ and http://isee.mn/n/13338]