The printing house of gNas, located in the vicinity of sKyid grong in Mang yul, is situated in the birthplace of Rab ‘byams pa Byams pa phun tshogs (1503-1581), a disciple of both lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal and rGod tshang ras chen (1482-1559). He followed his teachers’ example and undertook many printing projects in the Mang yul Gung thang kingdom starting from 1555. gNas prints exhibit different characteristic features in comparison to xylographs produced in other printing houses of the same area.
Below, identified xylographs produced at gNas are listed and information on dating, literary genre and religious school with which they are associated is provided:
- rJe btsun ras chung rdo rje grags pa’i rnam thar rnam mkhyen thar lam gsal bar ston pa’i me long ye shes kyi snang ba(1559, biography, bka’ brgyud pa);
- Mkhas grub sha ra rab ‘jam pa sangs rgyas seng ge’i rnam thar mthong ba don ldan ngo mtshar nor bu’i phreng ba shar ‘dod yid ‘phrog blo gsal mgul brgyan (1559, biography, bka’ brgyud pa);
- Jam dbyangs zhal gyi pad dkar ’dzuṃ bya nas / lung rigs kyi gter mdzod ze ‘bru bzheng la / blo gsal rkang drug ldan rnaṃ pa phur lding rol / legs bshad sbrang rtsi’i dga’ ston ’gyeng pa (1561, Vinaya);
- ’Dul ba’i spyi don thub bstan rgyas pa’i nyin byed (not before 1627 not after 1700, Vinaya).