Mongolian research sites
Research focuses on two key areas. The first is the river basin of the river Selenga, which is fed by several important tributaries (including the Delger, Eg, and Ider) rising in northern Mongolia. The Selenga, the main navigable river in the country, flows across northern Mongolia before entering the Russian Federation. Research in this region examines how the river is used in daily life by pastoralists, fishers, and local administrators. The second research site is Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital city. Research in Ulaanbaatar focuses on the formulation of national policy regarding the governance of the Selenga. It also examines domestic concerns with developing sustainable hydroelectricity projects in the Selenga basin. Finally, it also analyses Mongolia’s international legal obligations as an ‘upper riparian’ state vis-à-vis the Selenga. Dr Bristley carried out fieldwork on these topics from February to June 2023.