The work featured on this page is an excerpt of what was shown at the project exhibition at the Prickwillow Museum in Prickwillow which opened on the 22nd May 2016 and ran for 3 weeks. The exhibition entitled: Sensing landscape: artists and children working together, featured the work of the artists Kyle Kirkpatrick and Rachel Wooller, who have collaborated with children at Wilburton School, Wilburton and The Weatheralls School, Soham. The photographs on the pages in the links below were exhibited alongside the artists’ work and they were taken by project participants including Barbara Bodenhorn, Richard Irvine, Elsa Lee and Jonathan Woolley, of the different field research sites and fieldwork events. Please click on the links below to view the work featured at the exhibition.
Sensing Landscapes: Alaska-Mongolia
Sensing Landscapes: Mongolia-Mexico
Sensing Landscapes: Local places
Sensing Landscapes: Artists & children
This video showcases the event held at the Prickwillow Museum of the work of the Pathways Project collaborating with artists Rachel Wooller and Kyle Kirkpatrick. These two artists worked on mini-projects in local primary schools with children aged seven to eleven years old. The projects included den building and an archaeological dig.