Michela Clemente is a Tibetologist, based at Sapienza University, Rome, where she is Adjunct Professor of East Asian Religions and Philosophies. She is the Scientific Responsible of the Tucci Tibetan Collection ("Biblioteca IsIAO") at the National Library, Rome. She also teaches Oriental Book History at the Central Institute for Book and Archives Conservation (ICPAL), Rome. In 2013 she was awarded the Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowship for the Tibetan Book Evolution and Technology (TiBET) Project.
2009 PhD Tibetan Studies, Sapienza University of Rome
2005 Postgraduate Specialisation in Tibetan Studies, University of Oslo
2003 MA Oriental Languages and Cultures, Sapienza University of Rome
2003 Diploma in Tibetan Language and Culture (Three-year course), Italian Institute for Africa and the East (IsIAO), Rome
1998 Specialisation Diploma in Chinese Language, Beijing Shifang Daxue (Normal University of Beijing)