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Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit


IT Consultant



Genocide, political violence, wine, sustainability, social memory, Inner Asia, Central Europe,


Key publications: 

The lama question. 2014 University of Hawai'i Press.

Other publications: 

Selected articles

2012 ‘Resorting to violence: technologies of exception, contingent states, and the repression of Buddhist lamas in 1930s Mongolia’ Ethnos 77(1):72-92.

2011 ‘Archived relations: repression, rehabilitation and the secret life of documents in Mongolia’ The Political Life of Documents, special issue of History and Anthropology 22(4): 431-444.

2011 ‘Introduction: the political life of documents’, with Catherine Trundle, History and Anthropology 22(4): 407-414.

2010 ‘Data, basically: computers, context and anthropological data’. Inner Asia 12(1):47-60.

2010 ‘Editorial Introduction’ with Uradyn Bulag and Yuki Konagawa, Inner Asia, 12(1):1-3.

2008 ‘The end of post-socialism? An account of the 1st of July riots in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,’ with Gregory Delaplace and David Sneath; Inner Asia 10(2): 353-365.

2008 ‘Prelude to violence: show trials and state power in 1930s Mongolia’ American Ethnologist 35(2):321-337.

2008 ‘Neither truth nor reconciliation: political violence and the surfeit of memory in post-Socialist Mongolia’ Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 9(2):371-388.

2005 ‘The case of the disappearing Chinggis Khaan: dismembering the remembering’ Ab Imperio 4/2005: 147-173.

2003 ‘Editor’s Introduction’ Inner Asia 5(2).

1999 ‘Blame, guilt and avoidance: the struggle to control the past in post-socialist Mongolia’ History and Memory 11(2):94-114.

1998 ‘Creating national identity in socialist Mongolia.’ Central Asian Survey. 17(1):35-49.

1997 ‘One hundred years of history: changing paradigms in Mongolian historiography.’ Inner Asia: Occasional Papers. 2(1):48-68.

1993 ‘Collective memory and Chingunjav’s rebellion.’ History and Anthropology 6(2-3):235-259.